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Chapter President's Message

Picture Angelicavelasquez

Angelica Velasquez Gordon, EMBA 2023 London, ON Chapter President

A warm welcome to the London (ON) chapter home of the Ivey business school. This chapter is all about creating a fun, engaging community where we can hang out, enjoy ourselves, and support one another. Our plan? To bring you a variety of events that’ll keep things interesting – think Global Ivey Day, dinners, mixers, career growth talks, workshops,  games, and more. It’s all about meeting new folks and expanding our networks.


This chapter is also your go-to for making business connections and forging new friendships. Just a heads-up: make sure your current city is up-to-date in the Ivey Alumni Portal so you don’t miss out on any of our events.


Got questions or ideas for our London chapter? Drop me a line anytime.


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