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Chapter President's Message

Matt Robertson Headshot

Matt Robertson, MBA '21, Waterloo Region Chapter President

Hello and welcome to the Waterloo Ivey Alumni Chapter!  The Waterloo Region is a special place – one where you can pass a horse and buggy on your way to the offices of some of Canada’s top technology companies and incubators.  The Waterloo Chapter has been quiet these past few years and I’m excited to begin rolling out events that will once again bring together the talented Ivey alumni in the region.

A little bit about me:

My passion for the Waterloo Region is admittedly biased…I was born in Cambridge, went to elementary and high school in Kitchener, and completed my undergrad in Waterloo.  I’ve spent most of my career in the Toronto financial services industry in various roles ranging from insurance underwriting, corporate development, and investment banking. 

Staying true to the innovative Waterloo spirit, I joined a startup in 2022 which allowed my wife and I to move back to the region.  Outside of work, I love cycling, running, rowing, skiing, tennis…most outdoor activities.  My wife and I love travelling but this passion has taken a backseat since bringing our twin boys into the world earlier this year!

I’m looking forward to meeting other alumni in the region, whether it’s at a planned chapter event or not.  My personal email is and I am always happy to get together to grab a coffee, a pint, go for a walk…whatever!  I will be doing my best to plan events that everyone can enjoy but if you have any fun ideas, I welcome all suggestions

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